8 Things God Teaches You in High School

Wonderful advice for teenagers.

Things He's Taught Me

High School is NOT the best days of your life. However it is the time in your life where you change the most and truly find out who you are. High School is tough but if you look at what God is teaching you through your experiences you just might make it through alive.

So here are 8 simple things I can say God has taught me through my high school experience. Through the laughter, the back-stabbing, the sneaking out at two am, and even the heartbreak, I’m thankful for all those experiences because it help formed me into who I am meant to be.

1. You friends will constantly change, and even your best friends will talk bad about you. However, even when you can’t trust them you can lean on your father in your moments of weakness. You are not alone. Matthew 28:20-“I am with you always…

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