“Another opening, Another Show”

Well, another opening of school anyway.  Summer break is virtually over.  Monday is Open House at my new school Phenix City Intermediate School.  I am excited to be teaching sixth grade this year and joining a great team of teachers.  I will be teaching language which will include grammar, writing, reading for information, literary elements including point of view, vocabulary and spelling.  I look forward to meeting my new students Monday.  As usual we have been busy preparing all summer which mostly involved pinning cool ideas, watching school videos, updating websites, and of course participating in professional development.  Recently I attended my fifth Middle Schools and High Schools that Work conference.  This one in Nashville, TN.  So proud of teachers Valerie Borders, Rachael Dubois, Nikki Echols and Andie Fredrick from Central Freshman Academy and Central High School for presenting workshops at the conference.  Another way that Phenix City is getting better every day.  Below, teachers from Phenix City are seen taking a break during a tour of The Hermitage, Andrew Jackson’s residence.10502250_10204453999812725_4526208042316602481_n