Ahhh…almost Spring Break

One more day until Spring Break.  We have been reading The Borrowers in class, and had a great field trip last week.  We will complete the book after Spring Break.  Tomorrow, we will begin watching the movie in class.

Unit 5 Writing assignments were due yesterday.  These were the history research reports on the topic students chose approximately one month ago.  The minimum length was 5 paragraphs.

Today, we completed the unit writing test.  Students who were absent, must complete this tomorrow or the day we return from break.

Have a great holiday & Happy Easter too!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day – a day early

Tomorrow is not only St. Patrick’s Day, it is also the day your rough drafts are due.  Bring these to class and we will work on revising and editing the rest of this week as time allows.  Wednesday is our field trip to the Springer.  I am excited to see the show, and hope you are too.

I met my husband on St. Patrick’s Day in 1995, so it is a special day for my family.  Don’t forget to wear green!  I love the Irish Blessing and wanted to share it with you:

Time flies… when you are extremely busy

The third nine week’s grading period ended today.  Whew!  9 more weeks, and spring break coming up soon.  I can’t really say I am surprised the year is 3/4 over because this has been a very challenging one.  I have learned so much this year about myself and my students that I will take into the future.

Anyway, I am looking forward to our field trip next week.  We are going to the Springer Opera House to see The Borrowers. I am enjoying reading the book together in class.  Arrietty, the 2 inch young female protagonist, is eerily similar to 6th grade students in her desire to be independent.  Remember to dress nicer than a regular school day on March 18th; follow the guidelines I sent home.

Report cards will go home next Wednesday. Homework is due on Friday, Mar. 13th.  Work on your first draft of your history report which is due on March 17th, with final reports due on March 24th.

Enjoy the warm weather we are having.  I do believe that spring has finally arrived.