Language Work Aug. 11-15

Language Assignments have been distributed for this week.  I did not give out a hard copy of the spelling assignment, so I am posting it here.  

Choose one of the three options below:

1.  Write your spelling words 3 times each.

2.  Write your spelling words in different colors.

3.  Write your spelling words in sentences and underline.  You may use more than one word in a sentence.

Vocabulary and homework assignments are due Friday.  Spelling test Friday.  I will also post weekly newsletters and vocab block on the website in case you leave it at school.  We have had a great start to the year.  Keep it up!!

To the Christian Teacher in a Public School

This article is so true, and fortunately we have a superintendent and school board that supports these beliefs. Lord, I pray that you remind me of my faith and commitment to furthering your love, when I am confronted with that child who does his/her best to make me forget that I love all of God’s children, or when I’m questioned by parents or administrators. Our teacher of the year, reminded us of these very verses at Institute. Thank you Ms. Johnson!

My Story, My Song

How many times have you heard the term (or one similar) “They’ve taken God out of public schools!”? I’ve heard it many, many times but so far it has failed to worry me.

Don’t get me wrong, it saddens me that a teacher can actually get fired if he or she offends someone by praying aloud or teaching scripture in a public school. It sickens me that some school systems (not mine) have taken the phrase “under God” out of their daily Pledge of Allegiance. It frustrates and sometimes angers me that other religions seem to be tolerated so quickly, yet Christianity simply will not be tolerated in some public school systems. It makes me want to cry out “What are we doing?”

But when I get completely worked up over laws and rights, I feel the gentle push of the Holy Spirit saying this to me: “When was the last…

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