Time to Write

I always have great intentions in regards to my class blogging, but keeping up with other means of communication and daily teacher tasks usually take precedence. So my first year at St. Luke School has ended, and I couldn’t be happier about my decision to change schools.  Even though this group of 7th graders was a bit challenging in comparison to other groups at SLS, I had a great year.  I am blessed to be able to teach in a Christian setting with the ability to celebrate wonderful traditions and share our faith with one another.


End of Year Convocation


Sweet smiles

Several traditions occurred at the end of the school year; I always try to take pictures of my students in various situations.  We went hiking at Pine Mountain, and we had a few small obstacles to overcome.  The bus Mrs. Oliver was driving had a flat tire – yikes, glad it was not me – I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been as calm.





Photo Op


7th Grade Teacher Team

Then, we alIMG_20160503_142614so had several encounters with sunning snakes – thank goodness for Libby Hudson!  Thanks for interceding and making sure we didn’t have a close, personal experience with them.

The annual St. Luke Middle School Musical is always a treat, and this year was especially exciting for me.  I was able to watch my students in various roles, in addition to my son who portrayed Scar in The Lion King, Jr. IMG_20160429_205301398 These students spend six months on this production, giving up sleep time in the morning for the 7:15 rehearsals.  Great job Mrs. Eysel, Mrs. LaRoy, and many other parent and teacher volunteers. The costumes and makeup were phenomenal, and it was another wonderful, well-attended production. FYI – if you don’t want to sit in the back row of the Ministry Center, arrive early before the doors open.  Bring a chair or sit on the floor while waiting to grab a seat close to the stage.  IMG_20160429_210115564

I experienced my first real Teacher Appreciation Week as an educator. I am so appreciative of the outpouring of thanks we received during the week from parent volunteers who sat with the class while we attended a luncheon, to numerous homemade gifts and gift cards from parents. I haven’t wasted time utilizing them!  I still don’t know how Kristal Renner, a teacher herself, made special gifts for each of Caroline Grace’s teachers for each day of the week.  I am in awe!  And a special recognition to Kimberly Voltz who did an outstanding job as room parent this year while beginning a new business, Sylvan Learning Center.  Thank you for organizing, calling, choosing gifts, and being at events – you are an inspiration!

IMG_20160520_112647815Speaking of parent involvement, Soul Survivor would not be possible without the parents.  By this point in the year, you may have noticed, teachers are functioning, but just barely. Put one foot in front of the other is our motto by mid-May.  This was my first field day at St. Luke, and despite the challenges of the rain, I think we had a great time.  I think we threw the points out of the window and just enjoyed each other’s company for the last time as 7th graders, and especially took advantage of the giant water slide.  Thanks for leading us into the summer on a high note!




7th grade!

St. Luke School is a special place, and I only wish we had discovered it sooner.  Jackson had two years here, while Cydney missed out completely.  I am looking forward to many more years of teaching and involvement.  Next year, I’ll be helping with Student Council – can’t wait to get started.  I’m looking forward to meeting my new 7th graders who will be moving down the hall this year.  2016-17 will be magnificent!IMG_20160520_091322

Welcome back to school…3 weeks ago

Before the latest news, I just want to say again how appreciative I am of all the gifts and cards I received for Christmas.  Teaching at St. Luke has been a blessing to me and my family.  I am enjoying getting to know St. Luke students and parents better.  Before breaking for the holidays, we finished our Scrooge and Marley packets and enjoyed some Victorian treats like crackers, scones, hot chocolate, and eggnog. IMG_20151211_154334

We just completed our third week back after Christmas holidays, and a busy time it has been.  Homecoming week just ended, and both teams came away with a victory Friday evening.  We just started our next novel, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle,  by Avi.  We will be trying to blog and fake tweet to respond to the novel.  We will have our first reading quiz on Thursday including vocabulary.  It will likely cover chapters 1-8.